On-The-Hill Refresher

LSP Avalanche Refreshers are held annually, as part of the On-The-Hill Refresher.  It is mandatory that the area rescue response plan be covered in its entirety.  When the new document is approved, please download and print this document and come prepared to discuss it, along with potential situational exceptions, at the refresher.  Per the patrol Policies and Procedures, you are responsible for knowing and understanding this response plan.

In addition to reviewing the area rescue response plan, refresher activities may include one or more of the following:

  • transceiver review and use
  • probing and strategic shoveling 
  • avalanche-related medical concerns
  • ski area avalanche paths

If you own an avalanche transceiver, bring it with you to the refresher.

Suggestions for avalanche refresher topics are always welcome!

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