Educational and Equipment Resources


  • Snow Sense, 5th ed., Fredston and Fesler
  • Staying Alive in Avalanche Terrain, 2nd ed., Bruce Tremper
  • Avalanche Rescue Fundamentals, 2nd ed., Ballard & Atkins
  • The Avalanche Handbook, 3rd ed., McClung and Schaerer (rather scientific)
  • Field Guide to Snow Crystals, LaChapelle
  • Secrets of the Snow: Visual Clues to Avalanche and Ski Conditions, LaChapelle
  • Snow, Weather, and Avalanches: Observational Guidelines for Avalanche Programs in the United States, American Avalanche Association and the USFS National Avalanche Center (also available in digital format)


Avalanche Danger Scale and Problems:

Avalanche incident summaries:

Stories and reports about incidents:
Avalanche and Weather Glossary:

On-line tutorials:

Transceiver information and comparison

Smartphone apps

Manufacturer educational information
