Prospective students must complete the following:
For all courses, complete the following online modules:
Read the following texts (provided with your course registration and fees):
Familiarize yourself with course concepts to both prepared and build on existing skills:
Make sure you have the necessary equipment (L1, L2 only):
Previous: Courses | Registration and Fees Next: Courses | Required Equipment
- Register and pay course fees per published dates.
For all courses, complete the following online modules:
- AIARE e-learning lessons (info provided after registration closes)
- Watch the documentary A Dozen More Turns
- Read the article about an avalanche incident from February, 2012
Read the following texts (provided with your course registration and fees):
- Snow Sense, 5th ed., Fredston and Fesler (L1 and Fundamentals)
- Staying Alive in Avalanche Terrain, 2nd ed., Bruce Tremper (L1 only)
- Avalanche Rescue Fundamentals, 2nd ed., Ballard & Atkins (L1 and Fundamentals)
- Optional: Snow, Weather and Avalanches: Observational Guidelines for Avalanche Programs in the United States, 2nd ed, American Avalanche Association and USFS National Avalanche Center (available in digital format)
Familiarize yourself with course concepts to both prepared and build on existing skills:
- Preparing for an Avalanche Course (L1 Pre-Course Study)
Make sure you have the necessary equipment (L1, L2 only):
- Arrange to rent or borrow required equipment if you do not own said equipment. Complete this as far in advance as possible so as to guarantee you will have the necessary equipment, otherwise you will be removed from the course; no fees will be refunded. Recommended retailer: Bent Gate Mountaineering in Golden.
Previous: Courses | Registration and Fees Next: Courses | Required Equipment